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About Me

Once you get to know me, you will come to realize that I love to have fun! I try to be an optimistic person and laugh among the obvious exhaustion of parenting and daily life. I'm a huge advocate for having a healthy balanced lifestyle. 


Like many of you, I had so many great experiences as an athlete on different teams. In high school a coach said,  "You know, you could get into a D1 university and play the highest level of soccer in the US if you wanted to." Well, that became my goal and with a lot of work and God's grace I was able to do just that. I am passionate about obtaining the goals I set for myself and I want to encourage others to do the same. I've come to understand the profound effects the right mindset, a balanced diet, and exercise plays on our overall well being. I am striving to be the best I can so I can be my best for my tribe and I want that for you too! I offer a service like no other based around education on healthy and sustainable lifestyle habits with science based research to help you not only achieve your goals, but maintain them.  


You will often hear me say something like "we need to avoid the foods that flaw you causing harm & inflammation and eat foods that fuel us". We live in a world today where chronic systemic inflammation has become far too normal. We often aren't even aware the systems we have are because of that and we have become conditioned to either deal with the symptoms or slap a bandaid on top of them with medications. We aren't addressing the root cause. What the majority don't realize is this constant inflammation in our bodies, caused by certain thoughts, dietary and lifestyle choices, is at the heart of the long list of chronic illnesses that continue to climb. Such as asthma, obesity, cardiac conditions, cancer, diabetes, respiratory dysfunction, hormonal dysfunction and so on. 

Health doesn't have to be complicated! In face, it's rather simple. By finding that beautiful synergy between thoughts, food, movement and rest, we can flourish and be well on our way to living at optimal health and happiness, in the best possible way.  

Whether you're a follower, a friend, a family member or simply someone who is watching from a distance, thank you for being a part of my mission of inspiring healthy living. The way you think, feel, and enjoy life is important to me and ultimately, I want to leave you feeling happy, healthy & the best version of yourself. 

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